Create Vendor Bill from CSV with NetSuite Integration

With VNMT, you can now streamline the process and automate the Vendor Bill Creation in NetSuite from the CSV file.

Every company undergoes a tedious purchase and sale cycle. Initially, it is simple to maintain the billing system and the books. However, as the company’s operational circle gets enlarged, more and more vendors add themselves up, increasing your workload. NetSuite comes up with the perfect solution- Vendor Bill Generation from CSV.

This integration allows the user to generate Vendor Bill automatically. You may track paid and unpaid vendor bills and prices for specific goods using vendor transactions. When bills come in, you enter them, and when they are due, you pay them. You can also get a reminder from NetSuite when those bill payments are due. This study will describe the NetSuite CSV Integration and how it can automate the vendor billing process.



  • tick

    Automate the Vendor Bill Creation in NetSuite by importing invoice and vendor details from the CSV file.

  • tick

    To enjoy NetSuite’s different functionalities like invoice, customer, product, sequence, account, and analytic account to import invoice and vendor bills.



Initially, while there were fewer vendors, managing the invoicing process was streamlined and systematic. Further, NetSuite’s integration to automate invoicing using CSV files made it a bit complicated. It required following a definite CSV file format for all vendors. It is because the system would be trained to extract data in a similar process for future uploads and automatic invoice generation. Apart from this, another challenge was ensuring that all the users passed the accounting details or utilized the accounting mapping details for the bill creation process. So, the task at hand was to curate a solution for the client that would automate the entire invoice generation process with regular notifications about the payment status and automate the entire process with Netsuite Integration to extract data from CSV files.


Our Solutions

We utilized the CSV with NetSuite Integration functionality based on the client's requirements. Our NetSuite expert created one mature UI to automate the Vendor Bill Generation process with CSV fully.

1. Tuning Software for Client Invoices
Just like any other billing software, NetSuite integration was done to help the software understand all types of invoice layouts, extract accurate data, and further add custom fields. A built-in model was prepared to understand a variety of other layouts with common invoice fields. The system was trained to ask for the following field details:

Date: Set the date of Creating the bill (transaction date).

Invoice No: Add the billing name you want to set (transaction name).

Vendor: Select the vendor you want to create a bill against.

CSV File:Upload CSV file.

The system was tuned by implementing learning models that required complete customization to fit the unique business requirements. The script was curated to ensure that the uploaded file was a CSV file. Else it would not go to the next step. To determine the same, only three types of file formats containing “receiver,” ”net,” and “tax” would get uploaded. It was done using the Suitelet script work. Once all the data is filled in, the user must click the upload button to go to the next step.

2. Utilizing the data for Bill generation
The invoice data may be exported from our program into several formats, repositories, third-party applications, and external processes. Custom processes may be created to choose invoices based on specific criteria and send the data they contain to various locations or approval workflows. The Suitelet redirects the user to the screen showing all the CSV raw data with custom records in green and red colors. While the list in green signifies the data that match the custom record, the red one signifies the data that did not match the custom record” VNMT-CSV TO Bill Receiver Grouping.” In the case of the red list, the user needs to update the custom record or re-upload the CSV file. For the rest of the entries, the user can move on to the next step for Bill generation.

Further, the user can go forward to create the bill payment record by clicking on the “process CSV” button. After clicking on the “Process CSV” button, the user will see the screen with a ‘Batch Processing Completed’ message.



After closely analyzing the client’s requirements, our developer managed the challenges and automated the entire process of vendor invoice generation properly and successfully. Now, the client can easily create Vendor Bill through the UI and streamline their entire business operations accordingly. They can keep track of paid and unpaid vendor bills and pricing for goods using vendor bill transactions. Additionally, NetSuite will also notify them when those bill payments are due.


Our specialists successfully followed the instructions to tailor to the client company’s requirements. They improve business conditions and automate invoice generation processes in response to consumer needs. With our help, you can also automate creating Vendor bills from CSV with NetSuite Integration in the most efficient manner possible, assuring zero inconveniences.

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