National Allergy: NetSuite Magento 2 Integration

The objective of the NetSuite Magento 2 Integration for National Allergy was to streamline operations and enhance customer experience, leading to increase in revenue.
Client & Business Challenges

National Allergy is a healthcare product supplier that specializes in asthma, sinus, and allergy products. They are one of the nation’s largest suppliers of such products.

As their business grew, they began encountering operational challenges due to manual data entry for customer orders in NetSuite. This process was time-consuming and error-prone, causing inefficiencies, order errors, and customer dissatisfaction. Manual tasks led to processing delays, impacting order fulfillment and customer service. Operations heavily relied on human intervention, increasing costs and limiting scalability. Moreover, as a healthcare product supplier, they had to address data security concerns.

The aim behind this NetSuite Magento 2 integration was to streamline their order processing by integrating their e-commerce platform with their business management system.



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    Error-Free and Seamless Integration: There was a need for a smooth and trouble-free interaction between the two systems to enhance operational efficiency.

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    Authentication Tokens: To implement tokens for Magento 2 system authentication.

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    Order Retrieval API: Development of an API to fetch orders from the Magento 2 system.

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    Field Mapping Documentation: Outlining field mapping between Magento 2 and NetSuite systems for seamless sales order creation in NetSuite.

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    Error Management: The system should provide detailed error logs, including timestamps, to facilitate efficient monitoring and prompt issue resolution.


Our Solutions

National Allergy's integration of Magento 2 with NetSuite isn't just about automating orders; it's a step to make their operations more efficient. The integration between NetSuite and Magento 2 was successfully implemented using a scheduled script. This script is configured to execute at regular intervals ensuring the timely and consistent synchronization of Magento 2 orders with the NetSuite system.

To ensure a smooth order processing experience, we've focused on two critical aspects: tracking errors and simplifying order status indication.

Every glitch is meticulously logged in a dedicated error log. This log keeps a record of issues and solutions, complete with timestamps for accuracy. It acts like a vigilant supervisor, always monitoring how things are progressing. With timestamps, it helps quickly identify and address problems, ensuring a hassle-free order processing experience. This tracking system bolsters the overall reliability of the integration, ensuring data accuracy.

We installed simple visual indicator helps National Allergy easily spot Magento 2 orders in NetSuite, streamlining order management. It's like a guide through the integration process, making operations smoother and improving how they handle orders.

This meticulous attention to tracking errors and providing clear visual cues creates a solution that's more than just automation – it's about operational excellence and delivering a great customer experience.



This integration has enabled National Allergy to benefit from real-time data updates, streamlined order processing, and improved operational efficiency. This NetSuite Magento 2 Integration for National Allergy is to seamlessly retrieve customer orders from Magento 2 and increased the management of sales orders by 38%.


VNMT Solutions stands out as the ideal choice for NetSuite integration across various businesses due to its expertise and commitment to seamless solutions. With a track record of successful integrations, we offer a deep understanding of NetSuite’s capabilities and a proven ability to tailor integrations to meet specific business needs.

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