How Netsuite SuiteAnalytics Can Ensure Business Agility With New Stellar Features?
CREATED ON : 23 Feb 2021

How Netsuite SuiteAnalytics Can Ensure Business Agility With New Stellar Features?

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For any business, unlike the time before agility has become really a critical aspect. Agility and nimbleness are now not only crucial for business growth and prosperity but also for survival. It has become important for businesses to support rapid change and transformation like never before. 

NetSuite cloud-based ERP software platform comes equipped with all kinds of tools and solutions has already offered everything that modern enterprises need to boost agility. NetSuite SuiteAnalytics in particular is well equipped with the business analytics tools to help a business take on this agile transformative power. 

NetSuite 2021 Release 2 offers its customers a lot of new ways to track business and operational performance and facilitate required adjustments. NetSuite always allowed its customers to address evolving business needs by utilizing SuiteCloud. The new SuiteAnalytics coming with the latest release easily accommodates data restructuring, workflow updating, and accommodating shifts in supplier networks.

While we are going to mention here all the key-value additions with the new NetSuite SuiteAnalytics, let us begin by looking at the basic benefits and features that this business analytics tool offers. 

Key Benefits of SuiteAnalytics 

Key Benefits of SuiteAnalytics 

  • Having real-time visibility of company performance in different niches including finance, sales, marketing, service, and fulfillment. 
  • Providing highly personalized business insights through the implementation of role-based dashboards created as per the specific user need. 
  • Getting rid of multiple versions of the data-driven insights by facilitating decision-making on the basis of a single, comprehensive, and fully centralized repository hosting all data. 
  • Allowing everyone easy access to important measures and reports through just finger tap interactions. 
  • Getting comprehensive visibility of the data trail right from the summary to all the details of the transactions. 
  • Allowing web or mobile app-based data evaluation and reviewing analytics on the go. 

Key SuiteAnalytics Features

  • Personalized dashboards with real-time insights in all areas of the business operation. 
  • Configuring key performance indicators (KPIs) to produce detailed reports on variable factors, periodic trends, and trend graphs based on actual time performance. 
  • Advanced reports catered to each employee with personalized attributes for the respective employee role, 
  • Access to the entire trail of data from the summary to each transaction detail with just a few clicks. 
  • Personalized layout based upon the individual role by drag and drop actions.
  • Comprehensive self-created reports for each employee and job role.
  • Easy creation of new data fields, categories, grouping levels, and custom formulas. 
  • Easy search function to filter out any data in reports.  
  • Easy exporting of report results through PDF, Excel, or CSV.
  • Real-time access to business information and data-driven insights through mobile devices and modern web browsers.
  • Easy access to any performance metrics and measures from anytime anywhere just by using mobile browsers.
  • Easy and smooth integration with all kinds of third-party business intelligence tools 

The biggest value proposition that NetSuite SuiteAnalytics offers is the streamlined and automated access to real-time business insights for fast-paced and actual time decision making. Before you hire any of the leading NetSuite customization services for your enterprise, knowing these new value propositions will be very important. 

Further Value Additions With NetSuite 2020 Release 2

The new and updated SuiteAnalytics from NetSuite 2020 Release 2 offers several new features and capabilities to help NetSuite admin and the custom developers address the continuously evolving business requirements more precisely. Let’s have a look at these principal value additions.  

Customization Manager

NetSuite SuiteAnalytics now offers attributes that make unleashing custom attributes more easily, evaluating the influence of customization, and offering better controls based on individual employee roles. Thanks to this new value addition, after updating any data field, accessibility attribute, or any other aspect by the admin, the same will be updated across all custom records using this template. The same change brought by the Admin in the layout will be present in all SuiteScripts or forms. 

This helps maintain the change control in a centralized manner and implement the same access controls and settings in all forms. This will result in better consistency across multiple forms used in an organization to ensure a highly streamlined process. If you are hiring a NetSuite eCommerce development company, the developers can make things easier with such robust customization options.   

Performance Health Dashboard

Performance Health Dashboard

The new SuiteAnalytics comes with a performance health dashboard which is developed on the app performance monitoring (APM) tool of NetSuite. The new dashboard shows the records of performance, SuiteScripts, all the previous saved searches, various integrations, and the limits for allowing concurrency. All these aspects can be tracked through a single dashboard interface. This obviously helps to ensure optimum stability and minimizing performance glitches.

Open Source Resources for Developers

The present NetSuite release also provides several useful resources for the developers. The new developer resources include a command-line interface (CLI) based on NodeJS through which NetSuite developers can get straightforward access to the robust SuiteCloud Development Framework. 

These resources include functions like continuous deployment from any integrated development environment of their preference and a powerful testing framework powered by Jest. Developers can access these resources through publicly available repositories like GitHub and npmjs.

More Functions For Deeper Insights

Apart from all the value additions that we mentioned so far, the new SuiteAnalytics will ensure getting a deeper and keener understanding of the business operation across any company. The new SuiteAnalytics will be more capable than ever before in respect of helping businesses with informed strategy and more precise decision-making process in different situations. 

Segregated Data Sets And Workbooks

Segregated Data Sets And Workbooks

The present SuiteAnalytics update is capable of separating the data sets as well as workbooks to make developers capable of incorporating a multitude of data sets within a single workbook. Thanks to the Workbooks the users can see their business data in detail and now a variety of different data sets will make them more capable of getting more precise data-driven insights for decision making and strategic planning. Any type of data update will be instantly visible through the respective workbooks.

Enhanced Formula Creator

NetSuite SuiteAnalytics comes with a well-equipped formula builder that can be easily used. The new SuiteAnalytics from NetSuite is more equipped and loaded with several advanced features and functionalities. For example, the new formula builder is capable of detecting syntax errors in real-time and it also offers more easy-to-use editing and line numbering tools. Thanks to this new capability an enterprise can incorporate multiple data sets into a workbook and make precise calculations through the formula builder to track the achievement of quota figures by each employee with the respective job role. 

NetSuite Analytics Warehouse

The best thing about the new update is that it is developed on SuiteAnalytics and it can easily make both Oracle Analytics Cloud and Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse technologies accessible. Thanks to these tools and enhanced capabilities, segregating and utilizing data in a multitude of ways become a lot easier now. Thanks to this incorporating third-party data and making analysis in advanced and complex scenarios have also become a lot easier. Thanks to this, historical data analysis also became a lot easier. 

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As of now, NetSuite SuiteAnalytics is used by thousands of customers creating thousands of workbooks and segregated data sets. The all-new SuiteAnalytics capabilities will only create for their business analytics more value propositions than ever before. The future of business analytics seems to be inseparable from the role of NetSuite SuiteAnalytics.