Effectiveness Of NetSuite ERP For Startups And Small Businesses
CREATED ON : 21 Jan 2021

Effectiveness Of NetSuite ERP For Startups And Small Businesses

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There is no denying that the daily operations of small businesses and startups can be pretty varied and hectic. As such, the individual details and tasks sometimes become too much to handle. In such a scenario, the use of basic software just isn’t enough because it will depend more on manual processes and fail to offer the clear visibility that is needed to help your business grow. Even then, countless startups and small businesses settle for makeshift entry-level solutions and applications for running their daily operation. But the futility of such patchwork solutions becomes evident when the disconnected applications give out outdated, inconsistent data that gets too expensive to maintain.

According to IDC, in a survey of small businesses with 50–99 employees, 57.5% strongly agreed on investing in cloud and hosted solutions.

Most of the small and mid-sized businesses feel that only those large companies need a proper ERP solution. However, what they don’t realize is that investing in ERP is equally important for their ventures. And, if they have been shelving the idea for so long because of cost considerations, the good news is that NetSuite ERP for small businesses is here to help them out.

Why is NetSuite Good For Small Businesses?

So, when you hear about using NetSuite for your startup or small business, one of the first questions that come to your mind is obvious: is NetSuite good for small businesses? Well, the answer is a big yes because of more reasons than one.

As all small business owners would agree, it can get pretty expensive to run their venture. The expenditures have to be carefully checked, regardless of whether you are spending your own money or getting the back up from venture capital investment.

But investing in business software is important for keeping the processes going smoothly and inspiring growth. Of course, one program can be used as the accounting software and the other for inventory management. However, the chances are that these two programs will not be too nice to one another. Even though an ERP solution can solve these issues, the cost constraint makes small business owners think twice.

NetSuite implementation partner

NetSuite becomes a cost-effective option for businesses that require only a single source of truth. Being a true-blue cloud-based enterprise resource planning solution, it is made to grow with your venture. It offers real-time insights into your company data and has in-built business intelligence features that can help you in up-scaling your company through informed decisions.

NetSuite small business accounting software is like a complete solution that comes with a suite of software tools like order management, NetSuite human resources software, NetSuite e-commerce, supply chain management, financials, and so on. These are role-based robust applications that are easier to use and navigate depending on the responsibilities of a specific department handled by the user.

The all-inclusive view shown by NetSuite at every stage offers a clear picture of the company processes all throughout. When combined with real-time data, this enhanced functionality gives you the insight and flexibility to spot your weaknesses and strengths and get them optimized accordingly. This further paves the way for your growth, and NetSuite grows with you all along the way.

Top 7 Benefits Of Using NetSuite For Your Business

Benefits Of Using NetSuite For Your Business

Now that you have a basic idea about what NetSuite entails for small businesses and startups, let’s outline the benefits and offer you a clear answer for the question is NetSuite good for small businesses. Here are the top seven benefits of using NetSuite for your business.

NetSuite Bringing The IT Maintenance Cost Under Control

Once you understand how much does NetSuite cost for small business, you will welcome it in your business for sure. NetSuite eliminates your business’ needs for costly on-site servers that have to be consistently upgraded and maintained.

A Fully Integrated ERP Solution On Offer

The modules of NetSuite are perfectly suited to meet all the business software needs of every department of your company. It eradicates the need for duplicate data-entry saving and improves productivity.

NetSuite is An Advanced Cloud-Based System

One of the foremost reasons why NetSuite works for business of all scales is that it is advanced software that has imbibed the finest aspects of cloud-based software even before it turned into a mainstream idea. In the highly mobile world of the present where the multi-locational presence of businesses has become commonplace, having a stable cloud-based solution offers the access and security that the companies require.

Scalable Software To Facilitate Your Business Growth

After you have figured out how much is NetSuite for small businesses, you can keep on adding more modules along the way as per your business reporting and management needs. The best part of this software solution is that it includes reporting, inventory management, CRM, robust accounting, and so on. You can rest assured that your business will not be outgrowing this system anytime in the future.

Gaining Business Intelligence In Real-Time

Once your employees understand how to use NetSuite software, you can know what’s going on in each aspect or department of your business from any location and at any time. There is a customizable analytics dashboard to let you know about all that need at any hour of the day.

Small businesses with ERP systems can make decisions with 36% less time than they did without the solution.

Suitability of NetSuite For A Range Of Industries

NetSuite is used across a wide range of industries, starting from eCommerce companies, non-profit organizations, retail establishments, services, and distribution, to manufacturing. 

The Affordability Of The Enterprise-Level Solution

NetSuite was made keeping in mind the needs of growing businesses, which makes it the perfect fit for small businesses. It keeps the possibility of your future growth in mind, but at the same time, remains affordable enough as per your present situation. The price is pretty commendable in comparison with its excellent performance and all-inclusive features.

65% of small businesses are taking advantage of ERP consultation services.

So, as you can see, there are more reasons than one for you to consider NetSuite small business accounting software. When are you making the switch to a more effective ERP solution?