How Cloud ERP Emerged As A New Way To Work In Covid-19 Pandemic
CREATED ON : 18 May 2021

How Cloud ERP Emerged As A New Way To Work In Covid-19 Pandemic

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Well, working remotely is no longer just a monthly occurrence or periodic requirement. In fact, it has evolved as an everyday reality for an array of people across the country with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Irrespective of their readiness, organizations have been able to move their services to a virtual world. 

A large number of brands have closed their brick and mortar stores and are adapting to this new normal. But always remember that organizations operating within the cloud are unlikely to encounter disruptions, even in the wake of COVID-19. In short, the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t been able to halt the operations of the businesses. 

Through the cloud ERP technology, businesses have found a new way to work amidst all these uncertainties. In short, even in these tumultuous times, businesses are able to access their resources without relying too much on human efforts. So with these things in mind,
let’s find out how ERP and COVID-19 are influencing business decisions. 

Facilitates Remote Working Capabilities 

To be precise, the notion of transforming from the outdated in-house employee model to an offsite workforce is not a new one. Quite interestingly, off-site working has been there for decades. Also, the benefits of working remotely have been realized by both the company and the employees. 

Facilitates Remote Working Capabilities

From flexibility to increased job satisfaction, there are various advantages of following an offsite workforce model. On the other hand, managing an offsite workforce also decreases your company’s total carbon footprints. Modern cloud ERP software like NetSuite would help your organization to stay connected with its employees. 

As NetSuite is a next-generation ERP, you would have access to sophisticated features to maintain business processes and optimize them. NetSuite can ease your organization’s transition process to a remote-based one. In case you don’t know, NetSuite is a fully integrated and user-friendly business management solution with various types of abilities. 

Another key highlight of NetSuite is that it rests on a flexible platform that scales based on your needs. So if you are thinking of a business expansion, opting for NetSuite would be an ideal choice. By deploying NetSuite, you would derive a greater amount of security and confidence while operating your business. 

Read More: How NetSuite Can Help Businesses Run Their Operations Remotely And Can Prepare For Re-opening Their Business

Makes Your Organizational Processes Efficient 

An ERP during COVID can have a wide range of advantages. Out of all these advantages, a fully integrated cloud ERP platform like NetSuite can optimize your business processes. In short, it would be able to maintain the equal level of efficiency that an organization expects during a traditional office environment. 

Makes Your Organizational Processes Efficient

And in case you don’t know, cloud ERP solutions would provide you with a 360-degree view of the business. In short, you would be able to quickly generate reports and track profitability. Moreover, you would be in a better position to manage relationships with the customers. The primary aim of cloud ERP is to facilitate transparency which would attract a large number of customers. 

Well, the enterprise potential of ERP has always been a source of concern for small and medium-scale organizations. But NetSuite with its advanced functionalities can help your business processes to be more efficient. Note that cloud ERP platforms like NetSuite also help you to collaborate with third parties like vendors and consultants by providing simple ways to share data and knowledge. 

So as you can see, deploying an advanced ERP like NetSuite in these challenging times can help you respond to any type of shortcomings. 

Helps You To Be More Aware 

ERP strategy for a post-pandemic world should include various factors at once. To be precise, these factors are usually complicated and would consume most of your time. This is where cloud ERP system like NetSuite can be game-changer. With NetSuite, you would be able to access data in real-time. 

And you can always access the single-source data from an ERP platform with an internet connection. What makes NetSuite more impressive is the fact that it gets updated automatically like another cloud ERPs. The best ERP systems like NetSuite don’t only provide you with browser-based access. 

You would also get dedicated apps for both the Android and iOS platforms. And when you have information at your disposal, you would feel confident in implementing informed decisions to take your organization forward. 

Provides Your Organization With Plenty Of Customizations 

It is a common question to ask how does the ERP system help the supply chain in this time of the pandemic. Note that with the help of an ERP platform like NetSuite, you would be able to forecast demand and supply appropriately. What makes an ERP platform more impressive is the fact that it relies on data to provide you with great insights. 

Facilitates Remote Working Capabilities

The low or no-code customization feature present in the ERPs allows the companies to move to another ERP platform. In short, you don’t have to count on a developer to write codes so that you can move to another platform. With NetSuite, you would be able to have a 360-degree view of your entire supply chain. 

By leveraging data and usage stats, NetSuite would be able to provide you with systematic alerts. These types of features are quite important and time-saving in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a centralized dashboard, you no longer have to worry about missing a report. So as you can see, opting for NetSuite ERP Integration services is the need of the hour at the present moment.

Read More: Top 10 Industries That Need An Erp Software | Erp Software Implementation


No doubt, these are challenging times and businesses need to adapt their strategies accordingly. If you are someone who relies too much on manual processes, you can lose out on various growth opportunities. Rely on an ERP platform like NetSuite to bring overall relevancy to your organization. With NetSuite, you would be able to fine-tune your entire supply chain and serve customers accordingly. So consider the NetSuite integration services to ensure that this advanced ERP can manage everything on your behalf.