How To Approach NetSuite Customization In The Right Way?
CREATED ON : 09 Aug 2018

How To Approach NetSuite Customization In The Right Way?

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 “The good thing and the bad thing about NetSuite is that it can be customized.”

There will usually be a time when your business would require something more and advanced than what it actually has. NetSuite is a great ERP application that could easily handle almost every situation that you throw at it. Luckily NetSuite customization helps their users achieve all their business-specific needs.

Let it be setting a default class value for vendor bills or creating a custom field, NetSuite customization gets everything done for you. This guide will talk to you about the right way to approach NetSuite customization in the right way.

Different Methods To Customize NetSuite:

Often times, users’get confused as there are multiple ways in which NetSuite customizations could be done. The right way to approach NetSuite customization includes an understanding of all these methods. Listed below are the important methods in which NetSuite could be customised.

Forms, Records, and Fields:

These are the simplest yet the first customization that you would be implementing in NetSuite. Sometimes, NetSuite doesn’t provide a native location for data. Thus, users could overcome this issue by creating a new field on an existing record. For instance, NetSuite doesn’t allow the users to store a customer’s Facebook URL. Thus by creating a new field, the URL’s could be stored with the customer’s name.

Additionally, using NetSuite you can change the way how the forms look. Forms are the major locations where you could enter and access data included under the granular level. On the other hand, Records allow you to store that information which is crucial to your business even though it is not so to NetSuite. The customized record comes with a custom field where the data would be stored in a meaningful way.

Integration Between Systems:

Now or later, businesses will often have to transfer some amount of data present in their system to another system. NetSuite aids in the process by introducing the integration feature – SuiteTalk. You could either integrate data across multiple cloud based systems or between on-premise systems.

However, in either of these cases, you will require a third-party integrator to work on behalf of you. Nonetheless, the third-party integrator can be an on premise software system or a cloud based system. In order to integrate the data, you could make use of a few methods like SOAP, REST, etc.

SuiteScript To Control NetSuite:

At some point in time, you will need to control the way in which NetSuite functions. Thus, the only method possible will be to customize the scripting engine called SuiteScript. SuiteScript is fundamentally JavaScript. Though named script, the language is quite powerful at implementing things the way you would expect a modern programming language to work.

Additionally, SuiteScript also includes a complete set of API’s. The only difficulty in customizing the SuiteScript involves the complexity of the programming language. Working with SuiteScript is entirely different than working with a system of your own. Thus, you won’t have much control over the execution but still, it definitely is helpful to extend the functionality.

Work Centers – The Base Look Of NetSuite:

Work centres make NetSuite appear the way it looks and this includes the presence of dashboards, menus and you name it. In short, setting up a work centre aid you to easily customize NetSuite to fulfil different needs of your organizations.

Nevertheless, NetSuite doesn’t provide a lot of work centres as well. Thus, though you might be tempted to implement a lot of work centres to make your job easy, the greater the number of work centres the tougher it is for you to manage them. So, it is always ideal to implement just a single work centre for your business.

While there are other NetSuite customization methods which aren’t mentioned here, the above mentioned methods are sure to help you approach customization in the right way. Additionally, NetSuite development services are gaining a huge popularity recently, thus this basic knowledge would help you progress further.