NetSuite SuiteProjects A Complete ERP Solution For The Service Industry
CREATED ON : 09 Aug 2023

NetSuite SuiteProjects – A Complete ERP Solution For The Service Industry

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NetSuite SuiteProjects, as a Professional Services Automation (PSA) solution, is specifically designed for service businesses and seamlessly integrates with NetSuite’s CRM, HR, and accounting/ERP functionalities. By combining these modules, SuiteProjects offers a comprehensive single platform to manage and optimize various aspects of a services business. 

With SuiteProjects, businesses can quickly see tangible results by increasing resource utilization, ensuring on-time project delivery, expediting billing cycles, improving invoicing accuracy, streamlining revenue recognition, reducing overhead costs, and gaining enhanced visibility into the services organization. By integrating various NetSuite project management functionalities into a single unified system, SuiteProjects offers a seamless and efficient experience for project managers and team members. 

In this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of NetSuite SuiteProjects. We will explore how it enhances project planning, resource management, time and expense tracking, collaboration, and project accounting.  

Importance Of A Bid-to-Bill Solution For Service-Based Businesses 

Importance of a Bid to Bill Solution

A Bid to Bill solution is highly important for service-based businesses as it aligns and optimizes the entire process, from bidding on projects to invoicing and billing. Here are some key reasons why it holds significance: 

Accurate Cost Estimation 

A Bid to Bill solution allows businesses to estimate the costs associated with a project accurately. It helps in considering factors such as labor, materials, subcontractors, and other expenses, ensuring that the bid reflects the project’s true cost.  

Efficient Project Management 

The solution helps service-based businesses effectively manage projects by providing visibility into project timelines, tasks, and resource allocation. It enables project managers to track project progress, monitor resource utilization, and identify potential bottlenecks or delays.  

Seamless Time And Expense Tracking 

Bid to Bill solutions facilitates seamless tracking of employee time spent on projects and associated expenses. It accurately records billable hours and expenses, enabling businesses to generate precise invoices and avoid revenue leakage. 

Efficient Invoicing And Billing 

The solution automates the invoicing and billing process, reducing manual errors and administrative overhead. It enables businesses to generate invoices based on project milestones, time and materials, or fixed fee arrangements.  

Enhanced Financial Visibility 

A Bid to Bill solution provides real-time visibility into project financials, allowing businesses to monitor project costs, revenue, and profitability. It helps generate financial reports, analyze project profitability, and make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation and improve overall financial performance. 

Available NetSuite Options : SuiteProjects And Openair 

Two available options for project management are NetSuite SuiteProjects and NetSuite OpenAir. SuiteProjects is a project management solution offered within the NetSuite ecosystem, providing features such as project planning, resource management, time and expense tracking, and project accounting. 

On the other hand, NetSuite OpenAir PSA is a separate product offered by NetSuite for professional services automation and project-based businesses. It offers advanced features for project management, resource management, project accounting, time and expense tracking, forecasting, and more. Both SuiteProjects and OpenAir are designed to help businesses effectively manage their projects, but they may have different functionalities and target different types of organizations. 

What Is NetSuite SuiteProject Management? 

NetSuite SuiteProject Management is a comprehensive project management solution offered by NetSuite, a leading cloud-based business management software provider. It is designed to help businesses effectively plan, execute, and monitor projects within the NetSuite ecosystem.  

SuiteProject Management integrates with other NetSuite modules, such as financials, CRM, and resource management, providing a seamless project management experience. The solution offers features like project planning, resource allocation, time and expense tracking, collaboration tools, project accounting, and reporting.  

It enables businesses to arrange project workflows, optimize resource utilization, track project costs, and improve overall project execution and profitability. 

Key Features Of NetSuite SuiteProject 

Key Features Of NetSuite SuiteProject

NetSuite SuiteProjects is a robust project management solution that offers a wide range of features to enhance project execution and align business processes. Let’s delve deeper into each of its key functionalities: 

Project Management 

SuiteProjects enables project managers and team members to collaborate effectively on projects. NetSuite’s Project Management is a centralized platform where project details, tasks, milestones, and timelines can be managed. Real-time updates on project status allow managers to identify and resolve potential issues proactively, ensuring projects stay on track. 

Resource Management 

SuiteProjects helps optimize resource utilization by ensuring qualified resources are assigned to the right projects. It provides visibility into resource availability, skills, and workload, enabling project managers to make informed decisions when allocating resources. This minimizes bench time and maximizes productivity within the organization. 

Time And Expense Management 

SuiteProjects simplifies time and expense tracking through intuitive timesheets and expense reports. Team members can easily capture detailed time and expense costs, whether they are in the office, on the go, or working remotely. NetSuite Timesheet Management streamlines the tracking of billable hours and project-related expenses, ensuring accurate and timely invoicing. 


The solution automates billing processes, supporting various billing options. Whether it’s milestone-based billing, time and materials, or fixed fee contracts, SuiteProjects provides flexibility to meet diverse billing requirements. This ensures accurate and efficient billing processes, improving cash flow and customer satisfaction. 

Project Revenue 

SuiteProjects offers integration with NetSuite’s Advanced Revenue Management module, allowing businesses to automate complex revenue calculations and allocations. This feature supports multiple revenue scenarios on a project-by-project basis. It ensures accurate revenue recognition and provides transparency into project profitability. 

Project Accounting 

SuiteProjects connects project activities with company financials, ensuring accurate accounting and billing throughout the project lifecycle. It improves time and expense management, seamlessly integrating financial processes. Project managers can easily track project costs, revenue, and profitability and generate comprehensive financial reports to gain insights into project financial health. 


SuiteProjects provides robust reporting and analytical tools, such as Project360. These tools deliver on-demand, real-time data, enabling users to gain a 360-degree view of projects and portfolio health. Project managers can monitor, report, and analyze overall project performance, identify areas needing attention, and make data-driven decisions to improve project outcomes. 

Anytime, Anywhere Access 

SuiteProjects is a cloud-based solution that empowers the mobile services organization. Users can access the system anytime, anywhere, supporting remote work, client site visits, and on-the-go collaboration. Mobile accessibility enhances productivity, enables real-time updates, and keeps team members connected even when they are not in the office. 

How SuiteProjects Works As A Projects Management Tool In Service Business 

SuiteProjects serves as a powerful project management tool for Global Service businesses by Combining with other systems like NetSuite OneWorld within the NetSuite ecosystem. Here’s how it enhances project management capabilities: 

Financial Management Integration 

SuiteProjects integrates with NetSuite’s Financial Management Module, ensuring real-time project financial synchronization. This integration enables accurate tracking of project costs, revenue, and profitability. Project managers can generate precise financial reports, monitor project budgets, and ensure accurate invoicing based on project milestones, time, and materials. 

CRM Collaboration 

SuiteProjects integrates with NetSuite’s CRM module, facilitating collaboration between project teams and customer relationship management. Project managers gain access to customer information, track project-related communications, and align project activities with customer needs. This integration fosters effective communication and enhances customer satisfaction. 

Resource Management 

Integration with NetSuite’s resource management module provides a holistic view of resource availability and skills. Project managers can optimize resource utilization by assigning the right resources to projects based on real-time data. This integration improves resource planning and enhances project efficiency. 

Time And Expense Tracking 

SuiteProjects integrates with NetSuite’s sheet management capabilities, ensuring accurate recording of billable hours and project-related expenses. Real-time integration facilitates precise project costing, customer billing, and payroll calculations. 

Reporting And Analytics 

Leveraging NetSuite’s reporting and analytics functionalities, SuiteProjects offers comprehensive project performance insights. Project managers can generate customized reports, dashboards, and KPIs to monitor project progress, resource utilization, financials, and other project metrics. This integration empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve project management processes. 

When To Choose SuiteProjects Over OpenAir PSA And Vice Versa 

The choice between SuiteProjects and OpenAir PSA depends on your business’s specific needs and requirements. Here are some considerations: 

Choose SuiteProjects when: 

  • You are already using NetSuite: SuiteProjects seamlessly integrates with other NetSuite modules, providing a unified platform for project management within the NetSuite ecosystem. 
  • You prioritize financial integration: SuiteProjects offers strong integration with NetSuite’s financial management capabilities, allowing for real-time tracking of project financials and streamlined invoicing. 
  • You require comprehensive project management functionality: SuiteProjects provides robust features for project planning, resource management, time and expense tracking, collaboration, and reporting. 

Choose OpenAir PSA when: 

  • You need a standalone PSA solution: OpenAir is a dedicated professional services automation software that can be used independently of the NetSuite ecosystem. 
  • You require advanced resource management: OpenAir offers sophisticated resource management capabilities, including skills matching, resource forecasting, and advanced scheduling. 
  • You need industry-specific functionality: OpenAir is highly customizable and can cater to specific industry requirements, making it suitable for businesses with unique project management needs. 

How Much Does SuiteProject Cost? 

SuiteProject costs vary depending on factors such as the number of users, the specific modules and functionalities required, and any additional customizations or implementations. As NetSuite pricing is not publicly disclosed and can be tailored to individual business needs, it is recommended to contact NetSuite or a NetSuite authorized partner for detailed pricing information and a quote based on your specific requirements. 

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Wrapping Up! 

NetSuite SuiteProjects is a powerful project management solution designed to streamline and optimize project execution for service-based businesses. With its comprehensive features, such as project planning, resource management, time and expense tracking, collaboration tools, project accounting, and integration with other NetSuite modules, SuiteProjects empowers organizations to effectively plan, track, and manage projects within the NetSuite ERP. It enhances project visibility, improves resource allocation, enables accurate financial tracking, and facilitates seamless collaboration among project teams.  

SuiteProjects offers a unified platform for project management, ensuring data integrity and eliminating the need for disparate systems. However, when considering the choice between SuiteProjects and OpenAir PSA, businesses should evaluate their specific needs, integration requirements, and industry-specific functionalities to make an informed decision. In case of any assistance, you can contact organizations providing NetSuite Professional Services


SuiteProjects ensure API security through robust authentication and authorization mechanisms. It employs industry-standard protocols to validate API requests, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring only authorized users access the system.

To enhance performance in large-scale project management, consider breaking down projects into smaller tasks or phases. Utilize caching mechanisms, limit excessive data queries, and optimize script execution to maintain optimal system responsiveness.

SuiteProjects handles project scope changes by allowing flexible adjustments while maintaining a record of plan versions. When changes occur, new plan versions can be created, preserving historical project data and providing a clear audit trail.

SuiteProjects offers SuiteScript APIs for seamless interaction with time tracking and expense management. These APIs facilitate accurate data recording and enable customization of time-related functionalities within projects.

While SuiteProjects doesn't have strict task/subproject limits, it's advisable to organize projects efficiently to ensure optimal performance. Consider using hierarchies, grouping tasks logically, and managing dependencies to maintain clarity and manageability.

SuiteProjects enables customizable project billing and invoicing by allowing businesses to define billing rules, rates, and formats. This flexibility ensures accurate and tailored billing processes aligned with each project's requirements, enhancing client satisfaction and financial management.